
More flexibility, less faff

You’ve got enough ‘life admin’ to deal with, that’s why we keep things simple at Yellow Pilates.


per month

Essential Mat Membership

1 x Group Mat Class per week

5% discount on Private 1:1 Sessions


per month

Signature Mat Membership

2 x Group Mat Class per week

10% discount on 1:1 Private Sessions


per month

Personalised Private Membership

1 x 1:1 Private Session per week

Tailored to your goals - including injury rehab & contraindications

Assessment and progressive check ins

Booking at a time/day that suits you

If you have any challenges purchasing your pass, membership or booking into a class or session, we are more than happy to help.

Email us ( with your issue and we will get back to you within 2 days.

New to Yellow Pilates?

Pam W, Mat Class Client

“I love the energy and enthusiasm at Yellow Pilates and how each class is different-you never know what’s coming next. I go with my daughter and we both look forward to class every week.”

Katy H, Beginner Client

“Classes at Yellow Pilates are so welcoming and supportive. I always enjoy my class and feel revitalised afterwards.”