
Pelvic Curl

Building on from the Pelvic Tilt & Pelvic Clock exercises, the Pelvic Curl will begin to move your spine sequentially.

Another fundamental beginner Pilates exercise, the Pelvic Curl is designed to build on your awareness of the movements of the spine, increasing mobility in areas of the spine that are often unused.

By slowly and methodically moving the spine, this exercise highlights any imbalances, weakness or areas lacking in the spine that lack mobility.

Everyone has imbalances and weakness, so identifying areas for improvement is a positive step forward.

  • Lie on your back, knees bent with your feet in line with your hips

  • Tilt your pelvis towards you, flattening your lower back into the mat

  • Press down through your feet as you lift your hips off the mat

  • Try to move one vertebra at a time, from tailbone to shoulders Pause at the top, where your hips are lifted towards the ceiling

  • Slowly reverse the movement on the way down, bringing one vertebrae down onto the mat at a time

  • Repeat exercises 8-10 times


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